Friday, August 27, 2010

See you on the River!

I've learned a lot this year about water quality as well as the communities I served. I've received so much help and guidance from different people and local agencies, I know what I've accomplished wouldn't have been as successful without their assistance. People have suprised me in a positive way with their generosity and ideas for the betterment of the Big Piney Watershed. Completing this year and looking back on what I've done and who I've met and worked with is my "ah-ha" moment this month. It's great to see so many passionate people in this area. People who love where they work, so much that they give guidance to the rest of us, people that care about the rivers and streams in this area that dedicate their free time to the betterment for sake of the watershed and those people that support the events and the ideas of those wanting to make a difference in the area. It's because of them that people like me can accomplish great things. I look forward to the seeing what the great minds of the Big Piney Watershed come up with in terms of changes and events! I'm so glad I got to be apart of it and will continue to help in my "spare" time!

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