Monday, June 14, 2010

Lessons I have learned

Hello all.
This month I learned a lesson in communication. MRCN has had a Healthy Watershed Series once a month for the last few months. I failed to contact the person I had set up to speak to remind him. This was unfortunate as MRCN looked bad and I felt horrible about not having a speaker. It was my fault and I hope that my mistakes will result in my better performance. On the positive side, we sold four 330 gallon rain totes to a school district in Kansas City. The person who picked them up was really excited and told me that the students would paint them before instillation. In marketing the first people to adopt a product or idea are called early adopters, or something like that. These early adopters pave the way for the rest of us to adopt the new product or idea. So, not to long ago very few people had cell phones for various reasons, many of them good. Yet, a few people adopted the new technology, influenced government and private business to support the continuation of and expansion of the technology. So, perhaps rain barrels are in the stage were only a few people, the early adopters, are aware but through them perhaps more people will adopt the rain barrel technology. take care everyone.

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