Monday, January 4, 2010

Presentations and a new Stream Team in the making!

In between my large to-do list for Table Rock Lake Water Quality, I was able to escape to one more school before holiday breaks to teach local students about water quality. During the first part of December, I had the privilege of speaking at Spokane High School with Jessica Schober’s chemistry classes. I spoke about water quality in general and the students had the opportunity to examine aquatic macroinvertebrates through a simulated case study. High school students have a slightly different “hands-on” lab than middle school students. To identify the macroinvertebrates, the students use a dichotomous key. A dichotomous key uses a series of steps to identify the macroinvertebrates based on their characteristics. The students learned about the potential risks for stormwater pollution and determined that their “stream” was impaired as well. We discussed solutions for the problem and the students were very excited to identify the insects! Jessica Schober is also interested in starting a Stream Team at her school. We will be looking for a stream once the snow leaves the area! If you have any questions about educational presentations in the Ozarks area, please contact Tammy at (417) 739-4100 or

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