Tuesday, April 7, 2009

March Madness

Well we kicked off March with our first big clean-up of the year, the Mari-Osa Dump Clean-up part 2! We have now been working on this massive eyesore of an ancient dumpsite on the beautiful Osage River for two year's in row, and the stories & photos from this adventure are just priceless! Check them out on Missouri River Relief's river notes blog: http://riverrelief.blogspot.com/search/label/Mari-Osa

There's even a fun video Jim Karpowicz made of the ingenious trash flume some of our crew members designed to shoot the mass of broken glass & tin cans down the hill in a quick & efficient manner. It's pretty funny, here's the link to the page from our website, scroll all the way to the bottom for the video: http://www.riverrelief.org/event/mari-osa-dump-part-2/ Lot's of fun event results posted there too!

It's been a busy Spring so far, and it doesn't look like we'll be giving our clean-up efforts a rest anytime soon. So stay tuned in for more fun stories & future event postings! www.riverrelief.org

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