Sunday, May 10, 2009

Stella Raingarden Project

Stella Raingarden Project

Left: The community helps with the planting.

Right: Ronda Headland, landscape architect with the MO Dept of Conservation, drew up the plans for the project.

After many months of planning and delays, the raingarden project at Moses Eagle Park in Stella, MO was finally completed. On a Saturday in April, around 50 people from the community showed up to plant over 2200 native plants including some shrubs and trees but mostly grasses, sedges, and forbs. The village of Stella has only a couple of hundred people in it, but their spirit of community is great. It was wonderful working with them to enhance their already beautiful little park by Indian Creek, and to teach them a little bit about raingardens and how they are important for helping with the water quality for their stream. That point really hit home when they got an inch of rain in a downpour about an hour after we were done planting, and the three raingardens pooled with water! There are plans to make a hiking trail from their school (about a half mile away), signage for the park about the raingardens, and also plant identification markers. By fall, these plants should be well-established and starting to fill in. I'll post more pics then.
Left: All ages turned out to help plant!
Right: Finished raingarden. By fall these plants should be big enough to see!

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